Colonization is when one race of people, or settlers migrate to a new land and interact with the indigenous peoples, however, colonization is not always a positive development. In most cases, such as the Aboriginals and the British, the colonizers try to force their culture and values upon the colonized. This becomes exploitation when the colonizers start to use the native people to their advantage, and do not treat them justly. Such examples of this are the Stolen Generations, when the settlers stole 'half-caste' children from their mothers, with no regard for the wishes of the Aboriginals. The foreign people's main reason for this, was that they simply did not understand the customs of the indigenous race, and compared to their standards, judged them as "primitive". They thus assumed that the Aboriginals had less common sense, or were more gullible than they were.
However, this was not the case. There was simply a language barrier, and the settlers had more powerful weapons and were more technologically advanced than the indigenous peoples were, this was why they gained the upper hand, and were able to colonize Australia.